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Section B - Environmental Responsibility

In this section the judges will be looking for your year-round achievements in 5 key areas:

B1. Natural Environment
B2. Hard Surfaces and Open Grass Areas

B3. Local Identity


Each of these key areas will make up 10% of your overall score and be worth a maximum of 10 points.

Please bear in mind that judges will be considering environmental responsibility across all areas of your local campaign so, for example, if you have a fabulous floral display they will also want to know if you have achieved this effect with consideration for the environment. Although this section does outline the key areas of environmental responsibility please bear this important core pillar in mind across all of your Bloom activities and initiatives.

The judges will take account of:




B1. Natural Environment – 10 points; 10%

Biodiversity including the protection and conservation of the natural environment and wildlife habitat. The provision of appropriate wildflower areas, aquatic and if applicable marine conservation sites, bat and bird boxes as well as insect hotels.

Efforts being made to preserve and maintain these areas? Activities to educate the community and encourage them to visit these areas? Activities or plans to re-introduce or restore these areas where they have disappeared or been damaged?



B2. Hard Surfaces and Open Grass Areas – 10 points; 10%

Hard Surfaces and Open Grass Areas (Including streets and open spaces) To include cleanliness, absence of litter, street weeds, graffiti, flyposting and chewing gum,  water conservation and  recycling initiatives , hard landscape, open spaces & street furniture maintenance and effective dog fouling control measures.




B3. Local Identity – 10 points; 10%

To include sense of place, heritage, art in the landscape and signage and interpretation. Areas that may be included: Management and development of local heritage and/or identity such as natural heritage, community landmarks/icons, other heritage sites etc.




The RHS Yorkshire in Bloom campaign encourages environmentally responsible activities/projects which are designed to improve the areas where we live, work and spend our leisure time. Looking after our environment has become a very important community concern and we are all being encouraged to recycle and use environmentally responsible products and practices wherever and whenever possible. It is the expectation that participants in Britain in Bloom will strive to provide a co-ordinated approach so that all environmental issues are resolved in harmony with each other.


The judges will be looking for local bloom groups to either initiate or actively engage with programmes/activities (as appropriate) which are working towards providing environmental enhancements and which might include:

  • Establishing nature conservation and wildlife areas

  • Cleaning up polluted sites and appropriate treatment/screening of derelict property or other eyesores

  • Active policies to reduce the demand placed on natural resources - e.g. source of water used for plants, use of peat, use of hardwood timber etc.

  • Maintaining and preserving natural habitat.

  • Minimal use of pesticides and nitrate fertilisers and reducing or eliminating harmful effects on the environment

Interventions, management and development of local heritage (including natural heritage)

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