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Young Peoples Page at Yorkshire in Bloom

Harrogate Flower Show Young Peoples Award.
This category is open to any school, youth group or group of young people under the age of 18, who have made significant contribution to their environment

This years Winners are:-

Oxspring School, Barnsley

For a second year running they have been voted the best in category in the Young People's Award, celebrating the children’s breadth of gardening knowledge.



Growing Plants

Growing Plants

Potatoes and Roots

Potatoes and Roots

Watering Can

Watering Can

Garden Gnome

Garden Gnome





Ceramic Garden Pumpkin

Ceramic Garden Pumpkin

Plants in Trays

Plants in Trays

Plants in Boxes

Plants in Boxes

Plant Pot

Plant Pot

Join the Campaign and receive support to develop a sustainable garden for young people’s learning, health and wellbeing.


 Oxspring Primary School
Click on image to view
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Tip of the Month - October

With winter approaching you might like to provide a home for the minibeasts in your garden, whether that is a grand hotel or a more simple home, you will be helping your local wildlife.
mini beast.png

Click on Above Image to access the information sheet

If you wish to contact our dedicated schools officer, please use the contact form below.

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Thanks! Message sent.When a reply is needed Deirdre or John will respond as soon as they can.

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