Other advice
Public Liability Insurance
It is essential that “In Bloom” groups are covered by public liability insurance and if the groups needs to take out its own policy, the RHS offers an excellent value policy for groups from the NFU- details of which can be obtained from Lucy Reid Community Horticulture Manager at Royal Horticultural Society, 80 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PE (Tel 020 7821 3651) or email stephanieeeyon@rhs.org.uk An “In Bloom” committee will also need to apply, through its local Parish, Town or District Council, to the local Highway Authority for a licence to carry out planting works or to site plant containers in the highway verge or reservation.
Hanging Baskets
Please note – in the DETR’s National Signs manual – hanging baskets and their foliage must allow sufficient clearance for pedestrians – 2100mm (6 feet 10 inches) is the minimum recommended but 2150mm or 2300mm is preferable.
What will the Judges be looking for?
Up to two judges will visit each entry and will spend between one hour and four hours depending on the size of the entry. (See Categories, Entry Fees and Judging Allocation). In the case of special categories (6-12 inclusive) the Judges will spend sufficient time to allow for the particular entry to be assessed. Please bear in mind that the Judges only have limited time and you should make every effort to show them the best. Do not take up their time visiting private gardens that maybe excellent but not in public view. The Judging criteria for each category is available in this pack.
When does judging take place?
Spring judging takes place usually during April and Summer judging takes place during July. (See YIB Programme Dates for the exact dates)
Two to three weeks prior to the judging period, all entrants will receive a judging schedule, which shows the names, and contact details of the judge/s who will be visiting the entry as well as the contacts for the entry. The first named judge on the schedule will contact the entrant either by phone and/or by email advising the entrant of the actual date and time of the judging.
Where to Focus Your Energy
The Yorkshire in Bloom campaign is concentrated around the three elements of:
Horticultural Achievement
Environmental Responsibility
Community Participation
Please read the Judging Guidelines in the pack
Please note that all marking sheets can be downloaded from the Yorkshire in Bloom website www.yorkshireinbloom.co.uk