Step 2 : Form an action group
Form an action group, often the Local Authority is the catalyst for this but they need to engage members from different sectors of the community such as businesses or town centre managers, voluntary groups such as Rotary or Lions, youth groups such as brownies, guides and scouts, schools, local horticultural societies, allotment holders, flower clubs or Civic Societies. Involving a larger group of people, you will get to know the people in your community, share knowledge and experience, and also spread the workload! An action group can encourage participation across a wide sector of the community, attract support and sponsorship, and keep an eye on standards and progress.
If the Local Authority does not have a dedicated Officer they will have Officers with special responsibilities such as recycling, cleansing and regeneration, which could assist the group. The Local Authority can also help with issues such as growing your own vegetables and healthy eating, green transport, composting, recycling and energy saving initiatives. There are many Government targets and performance indicators that are useful for the Local Authority to present to the Judges such as recycling targets, numbers of Green Flag/Pennants and Blue Flags for coastal areas. Consider taking out public liability insurance for the group for projects and events. The RHS run a very reasonable scheme please contact the RHS for further details.